Sunday, January 9, 2011

everything he does for me.

for six months now my radio has stayed on the same station
94.1 KLOVE
klove truly has changed my relationship with God.
the songs are empowering and actually a few months ago
i had to pull off on the side of the road because one song had touched me
to the point that i was crying so much i couldn't see the road.
here is that one song inparticular..

i was your average christian before
who went to church every sunday, read my bible, 
had devotional time & prayed every night.
but now God is on my mind twenty four seven.
klove helped take my relationship with God to the next level.

the other night while i was driving
& talking with a girl that means a lot to me.
 she asked me about the radio station we were listening to
(& of course it was klove).
we started talking about klove and then 
i just starting taking to her about God
& the amazing ways he has worked in my life
i told her to look up this song.
yesturday she sent me a message on facebook that said..

"I've listen to christian radio music since that day in your car.
I know
half the songs on there from where i used to listen to it.
Thank you for the reintroduction of christ through music:). "
2 corinthians 5:21


  1. this is my favorite song(:

    and klove is my radio station too.
    its some awesome stuff.

    just like God.
    He is what makes it so awesome.

  2. klove rocksss! sarah. i am so proud of you. way to witness to your friends and peers. you are an inspiration to the rest of God's children! i love you sweet girl.
