Thursday, July 7, 2011

everthing weird.

the other night i was laying on my bed with ginny
when my phone vibrated..
it was facebook buzzing to tell me i had a message
so i looked and this is exactly what i found.

i would just like to note the exact quote today at the daycare was as follows...
little girl: "do you know kyle's girlfriend?"
morgan: "yeah, she's one of my good friends actually. why?"
little girl: "she's so lucky. kyle's hot! but he's kinda weird though...she has to be weird to put up with him."
morgan: "yep she's weird too. but its cute."
(: just thought i would share that all the little girls at the daycare are insanely jealous of you.

it made my night for three reasons
number one--i love and i was so glad to hear from here.
number two--it gave me a good laugh for sure.
number three--this message brought me back to a memory that is very ironic.

almost two years ago for our six month anniversary superman wrote me a letter that had the following quote in it..

"we are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

besides the fact that this goes perfecting with the conversation but this the quote that morgan titled her blog from..very ironic.

meet my friend morgan-a weird compatibility

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

finally everything july.

just in case you missed the obvious..
ive been slacking when it comes to blogging in my life lately.
so i thought why not start again with some monthly goals.
since to no ones surprise i didnt make june goals
let me first fill you in briefly on my life over the past month.

i experienced my last days walking down the hall of ES as a student.
watched my best friend win her third state championship.
packed packed and packed for the beach.
ended a chapter of my life that has meant so much to me by
turning my tassel.
became an alumni of ES.
had the best week of my life at senior week.
joined all 499 of the other upcoming freshman teaching fellows in raleigh.
experienced many first iv, surgery, and stitches thanks to my wisdom teeth.
and so much more...