chris i love you.
today chris is the big one eight.

chris and i have been best friends since middle school.
the girl knows more about myself then i do.
she definitly is always taking care of me.
i truly do believe that we are long lost sisters.
we have been through it all from laughing until we cannot breath
to crying our broken hearts out.
or in some cases so happy we bust into tears..
i will never forget the day we won the game that sent us to the little league world series. after the last strike was thrown chris sprinted & picked me up and we stood in the middle of the field crying tears of joy and didnt realize there was anyone else in the ballpark until we were the only ones left out on the field.
she is the most caring and loyal person i know.
i know that she would do anything for me.
i have her to thank for the life long memories that she
has provided me mean more than anything to me.
love love love this post!! chris is suchhh a good friend!! :):)