Tuesday, March 1, 2011

everything march.

i cannot believe that it is already time for monthly goals again.
time to flip the calendar because its march.

february goals.

1. get mom and dad great birthday presents (check.)

2. tour another college (check. it might be the one.)

3. get superman great valentines day gifts.(check)
    (the third times a charm)

4. continue daily bible readings with superman. (not daily but frequent.)

5. finish my new devotional book (check & im currently rereading it)
    becoming a women of simplicity

6. order & start a new book in the series (it is currently being shipped)

7. drink only one mountain dew per week (only drank 3 the whole month!)

8. have zero snow days (FINALLY!)

9. help someone that needs a helping hand. (check.)

march goals.

1. get ready for prom.

2. get nails done.

3. finish senior research project.

4. try to ignore my senioritis.

5. attend superman's baseball games,
                 chris' softball games, &
                 lukster's baseball games.

6. wear green on the 17th.

7. get jess a "twice new" birthday gift.

8. try to blog at least 10 x's.

9. have a  mother-daughter day.

10. start finalizing senior week.

11. workout 3x's a week.

12. start to decided where i want to call my home away home
       for the next four years of my life

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