Thursday, January 13, 2011

everything tragic.

today i took the time to skim my previous post
and i noticed something that they all had in common..
they are all about good happy positive events that have occurred in my life.

even though i totally believe that you should share
the joys and blessing in your lives with others.
live isnt always full of joy...

this past november..
it was a normal monday in which i woke up to

my 12 1/2 year old dog named sally laying right beside me just like every morning.
she was licking my hand and wagging her tail.
i rubbed her for a minute before i realized that i was running late for school.
i rushed to get ready, grabbed my granola bar, to-go cup of coffee & was off to school.
(and of course i was listening to klove the whole way to school)

school was school.
nothing special..just another monday.
after school i decided to go to superman's house but i decided to run home first.
when i was at home i sat down for a about 15 minutes
 to talk to my mother & grab a quick snack.
it just happened to be sally's favorite..popcorn.
sally jumped up and set in my lap and we shared the bag.
one for her.
one for me.
one for her.
one for me.
then i headed to superman's for the afternoon.
superman and i were working on calculus when my cellphone rang.
i was sitting in the kitchen floor when i got the worst phone call of my life.
it was my mother and the first thing she said was..
"Hunny you need to come home now."
i had been at kyles for maybe a total of 30 minutes so i knew something was wrong.
i got butterflies in my stomach & quickly asked why?
"Its sally..."
at that moment my heart sank into my stomach.
"..she has been hit by and car and didnt make it"
i quickly told superman and his mother everything and sped home.
as soon i i pulled out of superman's driveway
my eyes poured tears.

sally was more than the average dog.
she actually was more than a dog.
she was a member of the family.
everyone that knew her loved her.
she yes was a red wiener dog.
the cutest thing in the world.
she was my 5 year old birthday present.
i had had her longer than ive had lukster.
she has been the one "person" that has always been there for me,
made me feel better when i was down,
the one that i could tell anything to
who says a dogs a mans best friend?
she was my best friend.
she was my sister.
i love you sally forever & always.


  1. ):
    bad bad bad.
    you and I both have had some deep blogs the past two days.
    I loved and still love sally.
    and I love you even more.

  2. awwww...what a sweet post. I share your love of dogs.....and weinny dogs at that. We have had several. I am sure Sally taught you things about life that humans truly cannot. I know you will miss her for a very long time. Rest in peace Ms. Sally!
