Tuesday, April 19, 2011

everything fifty.

fifty years.
half a century.
five decades.
sounds like forever away.
well that is what ES's first student body president thought
and then sunday he stood in front of hundreds of alumni and
talked about how he felt that he blinked and fifty years passed by.
while he was talking about how yesterday he felt that he was in
my shoes walking down the halls of ES as a senior..
i felt tears come to my eyes.
that is the first moment all year that it has really hit me.
i am a senior & in just 8 weeks an alumni.
no redos, no i wish i had done..
only make the most of my time left, make memories,
and cherish every second.

even though the next chapter of my life
will be some of the if not the best years of my life
high school has brought me many blessing.
i will forever have life long memories
that happened within the walls of ES.