Sunday, August 28, 2011

experience my big sis.

welcome to the many traditions of MC..
first off do you know if you are an even or odd?
well at meredith there is no way you cannot know.

since i am the class of 2015 i am an honored odd.
another thing you just have to experience.

my favorite tradition so far at meredith
hands down is the big sis lil sis tradition.
odds are paired with odds and even paired with evens.
(aka incoming freshman with juniors)
so i would love to introduce to you my amazing big sis jennifer.
a beautiful girl from the inside out.
an amazing big sis
with a great love for her savior.
im so blessed to have this girl in my life.

sunday night was the first "official" big sis lil sis
where big sis and lil sis start there new relationship with a meet and greet social.
well since saturday had consisted of..
running errands
eating to die for cupcakes
watching the notebook
(which believe it or not was a first for me)
having a homemade meal
watching the bachelor pad
and many laughs and great times
all with miss.jen.
in other words the big sis lil sis social was far from a first for us.

i cannot wait to share my journey here at MC with jennifer
and i cannot wait to watch our sisterhood bloom.

[photo credit:miss.courtsimms]

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

experience my journey to mc.

yes i now am a college girl.
a meredith angel to be exact.
since i have just begun a new journey in my life
what a perfect time to start fresh with a new blog.

of all the colleges in just NC how did i end up at MC?
only four short months ago i had no idea where i would be today.
i didnt know where i was going to call my home away from home
for the next four years of my life.
i didnt even know what MC was a year ago
but here i am today calling this place my new home.
after many nerves, tears, stress, faith, and prayers
God has led me to a place i have already fallen for.

so anyway what does my new blog title
have anything to do with my new journey?
well MC is all about some crazy traditions.
i am beyond excited to experience each and everyone
of them throughout the next four years.
even though ive only been here for 12 days
ive already experience a few of these crazy traditions
when trying to explain to others about my college experience at MC
 so far and its many traditions ive already realized
that its so true when upperclassmen say
"you just have to experience it"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

everything hallmark.

one of my many dream jobs would be to make hallmark cards.
i am obsessed with
birthday, anniversary, thank you, just because,
and every other type of cards.
even though some people just open cards to see who the gift they are about to open is from, to me the card is just as special as the gift.
gifts get worn out, grown out of, and sometimes lost or forgotten
a card is something that you can keep and look back on for forever.

last week was my eighteenth birthday therefore a received many birthday cards from friends and family.
so i thought instead of telling you the gift i received i would share just a few of the cards that were given to me on my big day.

first off my card from my rents was perfect this year..

the next "card" was from my best friend christian..

the next cards were a surprise for two different reasons.
i got home the day after my birthday to find an envelope with my name written in handwriting i didnt recognize on it laying on my bed.
it was a card from my future roomie, amanda.
she is wayyy to sweet.

and last but not least was from superman himself.

not only was the card super sweet
i was shocked by what i found inside of it..

goo goo doll tickets..
left center second row goo goo doll tickets for a concert that night.
my boyfriend is too good to me.
he definitely was a huge reason of why my birthday
was more than i couldve wished for.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

nothing but supermans birthday..oh yes and our anniversary.

(i currently dont have a camera so all of these pictures 
are from my phone..sorry) 

this past week has been a week filled of birthdays.
so lets start from the beginning, sunday was supermans birthday.
to celebrate i surprised him with a trip for two to carowinds.
so bright and early sunday morning we were charlotte bound.

superman can be such a dweeb. 
 you can never be to old for the carousal..

  but they are great places for power naps.

or to old for lunchables.

sunday also was a big day for both superman and i.
we also celebrated our two and half year anniversary.

happy 18th birthday superman!

welcome to adulthood superman!
 i hope that i helped make your big day everything you had wished for and more.
i had an absolute blast. thanks for making me feel like the
luckiest girl everyday for the past two and half years.
there is no one else i'd rather have spent this journey with.
i love you cutie!

coming soon blogs..
my birthday and all the surprises it brought.
supermans birthday presents from me.

nothing but relaxation.

the last week of july was a week well needed.
a week of relaxation.
a week of zero stress or worries.
a week with four people (& a puppy)
that mean a lot to me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

everthing weird.

the other night i was laying on my bed with ginny
when my phone vibrated..
it was facebook buzzing to tell me i had a message
so i looked and this is exactly what i found.

i would just like to note the exact quote today at the daycare was as follows...
little girl: "do you know kyle's girlfriend?"
morgan: "yeah, she's one of my good friends actually. why?"
little girl: "she's so lucky. kyle's hot! but he's kinda weird though...she has to be weird to put up with him."
morgan: "yep she's weird too. but its cute."
(: just thought i would share that all the little girls at the daycare are insanely jealous of you.

it made my night for three reasons
number one--i love and i was so glad to hear from here.
number two--it gave me a good laugh for sure.
number three--this message brought me back to a memory that is very ironic.

almost two years ago for our six month anniversary superman wrote me a letter that had the following quote in it..

"we are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

besides the fact that this goes perfecting with the conversation but this the quote that morgan titled her blog from..very ironic.

meet my friend morgan-a weird compatibility

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

finally everything july.

just in case you missed the obvious..
ive been slacking when it comes to blogging in my life lately.
so i thought why not start again with some monthly goals.
since to no ones surprise i didnt make june goals
let me first fill you in briefly on my life over the past month.

i experienced my last days walking down the hall of ES as a student.
watched my best friend win her third state championship.
packed packed and packed for the beach.
ended a chapter of my life that has meant so much to me by
turning my tassel.
became an alumni of ES.
had the best week of my life at senior week.
joined all 499 of the other upcoming freshman teaching fellows in raleigh.
experienced many first iv, surgery, and stitches thanks to my wisdom teeth.
and so much more...